Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Finally. I am able to get on line. I have been messing with the computer for about three hours and have just now got signed in and have an actual page come up. All I have been getting is "This page cannot be displayed". I guess I don't have enough sense to just go watch TV and forget it for awhile. But anyway I am on now and have to think of something to write about.

This has been one of those days that just drags by. I have been having trouble with my shoulder, I have either pulled something or have a bone spur or wore out my rotator thingy. This has been going on for several weeks now and I wanted to wait until school is out before I go the doctor ( in other words I hope it goes away by itself). I can't lay on my left side with my arm under my head the way I have done for the last 60 years. So I have not been sleeping well. This make me grumpy. Well yesterday I started with a twinge in my lower back and today it has gone completely out. I have walked around all day looking like I have a rod up my back and feeling like it is somewhere else ( if you know what I mean). So as you can tell I have been in a poor mood.

As I was leaving work after waddling up to the parking lot, I sat there for a few minutes to relax my back. I left the parking lot and started down Court St. As I came onto the main street a girl went through the yield sign and pulled out right in front of me. I guess she though it was just a suggestion She didn't hit me, thank goodness, but what I noticed was the sign on her tire cover that read "Life is Good". She was also talking on the phone. I thought to myself that under the "Life is Good" sign there must be a disclaimer in tiny writing saying "but People are Stupid". I followed her on down the street and she went through a red light, but she continues to talk on the phone. We turned down Tenn. Street and I be darned if she didn't go through another light just as it turned red. All the time she kept talking.

Well the couple of times I have tried to dial a number while driving, I always dial the wrong number. Much to distracting for me. But it did get me to thinking about what the attraction of talking on the phone while driving is. To me if it is something that can't wait, why not just pull over make you call and go on.

I don't understand the love with texting. I have not figured out how people get their big ol' fingers on those itsy bitsy keys. And how did they learn all those abbreveations for words. If someone texted me I wouldn't be able to figure out what they were trying to say. Why not just get on your cell phone and say "Hey what you doing".

While I am thinking about it. What is a twitter or should I say how do you twitter? The only time I ever heard of twitter is when Thumper got twitterpated when he would get around Bambi. I guess there is no connection there, right?

Well I have been sitting here for awhile and at this point I am not sure I can get back up out of this chair. I think if I can make it into the bathroom, I will take a hot bath and hopefully be able to make it back to work tomorrow. If you don't hear from me in a couple of days call John and have him check the bath tub.

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