Tuesday, April 21, 2009


JOHN PEARSON WILL BE 13 YEARS OLD TOMORROW APRIL THE 22 ND. It is hard to believe that we have a teenage grand child.
It seems like just yesterday that he was born and Johnny and Tracy brought him home. I stayed with them for a week or so when he came home from the hospital. I think that was a great bonding experience for Mawmaw. He has always been fun to hang out with. He, John and I have always enjoyed going prowling around at yard sales, flea markets and auctions. He even at one time had a shelf at the antique store with things that he would find and put out for sale. That was when he was about 6 years old. He has kind of outgrown that now, but I think he still enjoys Mawmaw's and Grandaddy's company.
I took these pictures of him after school today. The great thing about him getting older, is that we can let him do those really fun things, like mowing the yard. If I can convince him that washing dishes and running the vaccum is a blast, I will have struck pay dirt.

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