Sunday, April 19, 2009


This has been a very typical weekend for Alabama. The weather has ranged from very nice to very nasty. Friday afternoon when I got off work the weather was absolutely wonderful. It was very breezy and the temps were around 70 degrees the sun was shining and you would never have dreamed that it could change so fast. By Sat. morning it was cloudy and threatening rain most of the day and today we have had severe thunder storm and tornado warnings all day. Luckily most of the storms have by past us and gone to the south.

When we left church this morning we decided to go and eat Chinese food. Johnny, Tracy, John Pearson and Emily went with us. Everything was great. When we left the restaurant it was literally coming a flood. We all just decided to make a run for the car. I looked like a drowned rat when we got home. The only good thing about a nasty day like today is that you can come in put your PJ's back on and take a nap without feeling guilty. And that is exactly what I did.

I have been down in my back for the last few days, but have finally started to feel better. I hate it when your back goes out and you can't make you body work like it is supposed to. I would get out of the recliner and have to stand there for what seemed like five minutes before I could take that first step. Then I would walk down the hall with what I can only describe as a John Wayne swagger. Stiff legged with a full body shift from side to side. I got to noticing that I even had the arms slightly bent at the elbows as if about to draw a gun. If I hadn't been hurting so bad if would have been funny.

Hopefully I will be back to normal by tomorrow.

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