Wednesday, June 24, 2009


This has been the most nerve wracking week that I can remember in quite some time. I had my annual physical two weeks ago and as usual I worry about my blood pressure which is always a little high, ( I attribute that to white coat syndrome), and since I am a diabetic (type ll) I am always afraid that my sugar will be up when I go for my visit. My doctor is really a nice lady and makes me feel very comfortable. She is like myself in the fact that she could stand to loose a few pounds. She doesn't make you feel bad about yourself if you don't weigh 110 lbs. So I was not real concerned when I went.

When my original test results came back the doctor told me that I should probably have some more test run since I had been a diabetic for more than 10 years. OK that's fine. She scheduled me for a carotid Doppler, a leg Doppler and a heart Doppler and of course the mammogram and pap test. The first test was the carotid test. The next day when I got the results I was told that they found blockage and I would need an MRA. At this point I am beginning to get a little stressed since my Dad and my brother both had serious blockage and both later died, Dad from heart surgery and Bruce from blockage in his legs and carotid arteries. At this point you know there is nothing you can do in the next few days to change anything you have done over the past 64 years to fix the problem.

Well I didn't get a call Monday from the Dr's office or Tuesday. I knew if I didn't call them myself, they would be closed on Thursday and I didn't think I could wait until Friday to find out. I finally worked my courage up about three this afternoon and called. Mary the receptionist said "I have your files here on my desk. I have been meaning to call you". The results were all good. Apparently the carotid blockage was not anymore than any other person my age has. The leg Doppler and other test were all fine. I am still waiting to hear from the heart test, but right now I am so relieved I feel like I could jump over the house.

I have made a sincere resolve to try to eat better, exercise and keep my diabetes in line. I want to be around a few more years to watch my grand children grow.

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