Wednesday, March 11, 2009


As I was going into work this morning, I heard a song on the radio called
" It sounds like life to me". It was by Daryle Worley and was a catchy tune about a man that had fallen off the wagon, because of all the things going wrong in his life. After each bad thing he said had happened the refrain was "It sounds like life to me".

The song kind of stuck with me today and in all my conversations with my co-workers and all the things they spoke about, the sad, the pitiful and the just plain aggravating, I would think to myself "It sounds like life to me".

We all face obstacles. You may not get the respect that we need or deserve from your bosses or co-workers, but you do not loose the love of your family. You may not make the team, but you are still NO. 1 to someone. You may not be the most beautiful or most handsome, but
you are drop dead gorgeous to someone. Does that "Sound like life to you'.

We all would like to change some of the things we have said and or done.
There are things we wish we had done and will never get the second chance to do. Most of us would like to weigh 20 lbs less and have a magic wrinkle remover but..........

"It Sounds Like Life to Me".

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