Thursday, March 12, 2009


I have been hearing on the news for the last couple of weeks about the survey that talks about Americans loosing their faith. This is very disturbing to me.

People say that part of the reason they are loosing faith is because of the economy, the war and the loss of jobs. These are all reasons to be concerned about our life styles and safety, but I don't understand how this can make us loose our faith in God. Every since the beginning of time there have been famines, there have been wars that have almost wiped out

nations, and here in the United States the great Depression that left practically every family completely broke, unable to feed their families and no jobs to be had. In all of these times people have found their faith to be a rock to cling to and help them find the strength to start again.

I saw an interview yesterday with a young woman holding her baby on her hip talking to the newsperson. He was asking her about loosing faith and this was her comment. "I can see why people are loosing faith, it is bad when you can't even go into the store and buy a Coke." What in the world does that have to do with faith. I might have felt a little pity if she had said that I can't even buy my baby a bottle of milk. But a Coke? Makes me think that she didn't have much faith to loose.

This is my opinion, but I think we are failing our children, our grandchildren and generations to come by not instilling a little faith, religion and just plain morals into their lives. We have let the government take prayer out of school, displaying the Ten Commandments can get you jail time and morals are anything goes. We all know that it just continues to get worse. I think it is time that each of us should stand and say, "Yes, I do believe in God". "Yes I do believe that God answers prayers, but some times the answer is NO". "Yes I do believe that we should love our
neighbor, but we don't have to always love what our neighbors are doing."
"Yes sometimes our faith is shaken, but it would be harder to live without faith at all".

If our nations falls it is not because God doesn't like us anymore, it is because we don't like God anymore. Let's get our priorities straight

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