Sunday, February 6, 2011


Seems this cold weather is really getting to my sweet tooth. I should not be looking for anything sweet because, being a diabetic I really do not need to be tempted so. But that being said this cold weather is really getting to my sweet tooth.

The other night I got to prowling around in the fridge to see what I could come up with. It was one of those days that it was kind of like opening Tut's tomb and finding it empty. I did manage to find a half bag of chocolate chips, a few walnuts in a bag and a box of raisins. Since I'm one of those people that does not like to be defeated I continued my quest for a sweet snack. At first I thought I would add a handful of cereal and some coconut and make a trail mix. Nah!! Not what I want. Then I thought I would make a small batch of cookies. Uh uh!! To much effort. Then the perfect idea came to me. I would make some nut clusters.

I placed the Chocolate Chips in a pan with a spoonful of vegetable oil. This helped the chips melt to a creamy consistency. When the chocolate was melted I added the nuts and raisins, stirred them until they were well coated. Then I took a teaspoon and dropped the mixture onto wax paper, set it in the fridge until the chocolate had firmed back up. They were Delicious. It was a cross between the chocolate covered raisins that you get at the movie theater and a Goo Goo Cluster without the marsh mellow and caramel.

Now I rationalize to myself the the nuts were healthy, the raisins were a fruit so they had to be healthy, the chocolate was semi sweet with 70 calories per serving and 8 grams of sugar. Oh my gosh!! I have created the perfect health food.

I would have taken pictures, but seems they were gone before I got around to it.

1 bag chocolate chips (semi sweet)
1 cup nuts (I used walnuts)
1 cup raisins

Melt, mix, drop, cool and eat.

I think I'm channeling Julia Child.

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