Sondra making her great gucamole.
Daniel at McDonalds
Cripple Creek Colorado
Our trip from Washington to Colorado was filled with the most beautiful scenery you can imagine. I was honestly afraid to close my eyes because I would miss something. The ride was nice and comfortable weather wise. We Stayed one night in Pendelton Oregon. The next night we stayed just outside of Denver. We were close enough to drive on in to Co. Springs, but decided we needed a good nights rest before we started our visit with Sondra, Jonathan, David and Daniel.
We got to Sondra and Jonathan's house around 10:30 on Sunday morning. Again it was great to see kids and grand kids. And as always the little ones were excited and had a list of things for Maw Maw and granddaddy to do. I had to put David off until the next day because he had a recipe for the "Best every chocolate chip cookies" that he wanted to make right then. We ended up making the cookies and I believe they were the "Best ever Chocolate chip cookies". I have made them with Emily since we got home.
Sondra works from home and very seldom gets a day out without the kids, so we decided to take a drive over to Cripple Creek on the other side of the mountain. We got there around 10:00 in the morning, had lunch, and yet again spent money at the casino without winning. The main thing was that we had a day out with our daughter and she had a day away from work.
The weather started to really warm up while we were in Co. Springs. John and I hit a few thrift stores. Sondra and I managed a few walks while we were there. Mainly we kind of hung around the house and were entertained by David and Daniel. Jonathan grilled out a couple of nights. John, Sondra and I carried the kids to a Fourth of July parade in Monument Co.. There were and estimated 30 thousand people there. It was really great to see so many people celebrating, waving flags, eating hot dogs and all the things that go with the 4TH.
On Friday we left Co. Springs to begin our trip heading south. It always makes me sad to leave the grand kids. It takes a few days for them to warm up to you and seems as soon as they do, its time to leave. I guess that's the way it's meant to be....
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