This is a oak tree uprooted on the creek bank. I seems as though the storm went right up through her yard.

It is hard to tell from looking at this picture, but the hole under the trees is 4 or 5 feet deep and about 10 or 12 feet across.

The tree was completely over the whole house. These limbs were from the two trees in the back yard. Wayne and one of his son-in-laws got the limbs off the top of the house so he could patch the leaks. Now there are so many limbs on the ground that you literally can't make it around the house. We were very lucky that no one was hurt and that the trees didn't completely crush the house. Robbie made these pictures the morning after the first storm went through.
Today was the first time I actually saw live pictures of the devastation from the tornadoes that went through our area. It is unreal that so few lives were lost. Mark's best friend and his wife lost their home, car's, pet and everything they owned in the storm that hit Tony Alabama. They had planned on staying in their house and waiting the storm out, but at the last minute decided to go a relatives house that had a shelter. Thank God they did. Their home was totally destroyed.
The houses, businesses, churches and schools can be rebuilt. The lives of loved ones cannot be replaced. The ones of us who were untouched are thankful for being spared from this horrific act of nature. Continue to pray for the people across the south who lost family members and homes that they can over come this tragedy and become stronger.
1 comment:
Oh my goodness. Unbelievable. I'm so sorry.
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