The inside edge of the door where we measured the growth of our kids. Looks like Marks height was last recorded in July of 1994. That was Johnny's height in December of December 1989. Wow!!! That's thirty one years.
Now this is probably one of the strangest things I hold on to. This plant was given to Sarah by her softball team when my dad died 18 years ago. Over the years I would decide to throw it away, but would say to myself, " I'll water it one more time". As you can see it is in pitiful shape, but not dead yet. I can't bring myself to toss it out.
Now the picture below is my pride and joy. I was 8 months pregnant with Mark at the time. Johnny, Monica and Sondra were absolutely driving me nuts that day. I went into the bedroom to ask them to settle down , and they had made the most god awful mess I had ever seen. I really lost it, but decided I had better calm down before trying to discipline them. I stomped out of the bedroom into the hall took my foot and kicked the door. I popped that big old hole in it and then I had to worry about trying to explain to John when he came home. So my punishment has been that every time I walk down the hall I have to remember that I need to control my temper. One of these days we plan to take it down and see what all the kids and grand kids have stuck down in the hole in the door over the years.
And last but not least is my Bitchalittle sign. This has hung in my kitchen, by the stove for probably the last 40 years. I have decided a number of times to take it down and throw it out but it still hangs there. This says a lot about me and my life and how I have handled things over the last 65 years. Enjoy life a lot and BITCHALITTLE.
What a lovely post. I loved seeing your special things and what a great way to get to know you. You reminded me that we haven't measured our kids on our door frame in a while, I'll definitely get to it. I love that door frame.
The unicorn is amazing! How talented your daughter is. Does she still draw?
I can't imagine having something as special as those canisters or your brother's toy. That's really wonderful.
Last but not least, I love the bitchalittle sign too. :)
You are so kind. It is amazing what we can think up to blog about.
My daughter does some graphic art work with her job. She is very talented.
I guess momming is a condition you never get over. Thanks for reading my rammblings.
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