Charles and John
Spiral staircase
Spiral staircase
Sondra and Jonathan ready for their night out.
Jonathan and Sondra.
Fall in all its glory.
Wide open spaces.
John and David.
We have been back from our trip to Colorado for a week now. I have been trying to make time to post some pictures and write a little about our trip, but it has been busy at work and the recliner looks to darn good when I get home in the evening.
We drove out with Sandra and Charles and had a really nice trip. It was fun traveling with friends. We left on Friday afternoon after I got off work and drove to Memphis. Monica had a nice dinner waiting. (Chili, dips, chips and all sorts of goodies). We turned in pretty early and had a good nights sleep then headed out again about 6:00 Saturday morning. We drove across Arkansas, Oklahoma, the Texas panhandle and into NM. We finally stopped at a motel around 9:30 when we reached Albuquerque. We were worn smack dabbed out. We all fell asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow. We were back on the road by 7:30 Sunday morning. We drove over to Charles' aunts house and visited with her for a while. She is 83 years old but insisted we go to the casino and have lunch and play the slots for a while. Charles won $400.00, his aunt won $200.00 and his cousin won a couple of hundred. We had a great time and we all had a day that once again left up exhausted.
On Monday we got up early and headed on up to Colorado. We stopped along the way and saw the Church of the Sisters of Loretta and saw the miraculous spiral staircase attributed to St. Joseph. The church was beautiful and serene.
While we were in Santa Fe we went into a few shops and stopped at a couple of street vendors. Sandra go a White Buffalo (white turquoise) ring and I got a pair of white earrings.
We had a wonderful week visiting with the grand kids and taking a few side trip in the area. I took a heck of a cold while I was there, so I felt a little crappy most of the week. Daniel has just learned to walk, so he was toddling around everywhere. He is always smiling a really laid back. David is in kindergarten and knows more than I did when I graduated from high school. He is reading and writing and constantly asking questions trying to learn more. He amazes me.
I had to be back to work on Monday, so Sondra got me a ticket to fly back home on Sunday. I was a little nervous because it was the first time I had flown by myself. I had a great flight and it took me about 5 hours to get home. Luckily the storms that went through came the day after I got home. John, Charles and Sandra got in on Tuesday evening after traveling two days. We all had a wonderful visit and it was good seeing the kids and grand kids. I think we will rest up for a while before we take off again. By the way, we just found out that Sarah and Cody will soon be moving to Washington state in a few months. Can we get there from here?
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Of course you can get there from here...err..there. :) Just think...a whole new area of the country to visit. We are trying hard to get you to all 50 states..and Sondra & Jonathan are doing a good job of getting you overseas...what a great retirement it will be. :)
Just edited my above statement because I typed in 51 states...I just pulled an Obama. :)
I have been checking train fares and looking at maps. I'm sure we will have fun getting there.
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