We went back to Memphis this past weekend to attend Matthew's first communion. We got there Friday night and the service was at 10:00 A.M on Saturday. It was a really large group of communicants. It is always nice to see the little boys dressed in their sports jackets and slacks and the little girls dressed up in their white dresses and veils. It was a special occasion even for Matthew, who never shows much excitement unless he is camping out at a scouting event or finding great treasures at a yard sale or thrift store. ( He gets that from Grand daddy and Mawmaw)but Sunday he had on his best outfit and his brightest smile.
After the service we went to a Hibachi grill and had lunch. I swear I have never had so much to eat in one setting. The cook made fried rice, grilled veggies, shrimp, steak, scallops and chicken to serve us and to top it off he was very entertaining. It was my first time at a restuant like this, so I was empressed with all the cooking, tricks and jokes the grill chef was making. While we were in the restruant a pretty bad storm went over. I guess it was part of the cell that spawn all the tornadoes across Louisana, Missippi and Alabam. Luckily ours was just a heavy rain and some wind, but no damage.
Late Saturday afternoon John and I left heading down to Tunica. The storm had done a little more damage there. The wind had taken out a stretch of power line polls, but that seemed to be the only damage that we saw. Mark and Paige came down and we had dinner and played the slots for a while. They left around 11:00 because Paige had to be at work on Sunday morning. We left there around 2:00 on Sunday afternoon and headed home. The trip took some of the anxiety that I was having about my stress test away for a couple of days.
This morning we got up early and headed down to the cardioligist office where I had to have a nuclear stress test. Man I am the biggest woose ever. I had stressed myself out for the last two weeks worring about this test. Why is it that the fear of something and the letting your mind run away with you usually turns out to be worse than the thing you have to undergo. The test turned out to be much easier that I had imagined. It took about three hours to get out of the office, but most of it was sitting in the waiting room waiting for the next phase of the test. I was injected with a dye and had a scan done, waited again then had the stress chemical injected. It took four minutes to go in and then they let it hold for another four minutes. The last minute of the injection I felt a little tightness in my upper body, but no pain. Then they held me at this point for another four minutes. When the last four minutes was up I was injected again with something to take away the effects of the stress chemical, went back to the waiting room until they called me in for the second set of scans. When that was over I was finished. Had I have known how the test worked I would not have driven myself half nuts for the last two weeks. Yeah, I would probably still worry cause like I say I am the biggest woose ever.
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