We finished up this semester of school on Friday, with a reception for about six or seven hundred people. It seemed that everyone turned out for food and refreshments. We had worked for the last two days of school getting ready for this. The reception started at 5:00 and was over around 7:00. We got everything broke down and cleaned up and was out of there by 8:30.
Saturday we kind of laid around the house and watched a couple of movies. For the life of me I can't tell you what we watched. It was just nice to have a little free time to do nothing.
Sunday we went to church and decided to take a short ride afterward. We ended up in Athen's and stopped at a little flea market. I found this really neat Japanese table. It has a peacock and floral design on top and the legs are only about a foot in height. That would eliminate me from eating at this table. I can't imagine trying to gracefully get up after a meal. We also found an end table. I think it was crafted by someone in their home shop. It was different and we both liked it, so that is all that matters. If it doesn't sale I guess one of the kids will get it:)
Today John Pearson and Emily stayed with us since school is out for them too. John Pearson had to go to practice and John and Emily stayed at home while I went into town. Sissy and I worked out at the wellness center at UNA. I know if I miss too many workouts through the holidays it will be hard to get back in the groove when I go back to work.
When I got home I decided I would make some Christmas treats. Right after Christmas the rest of the family will start arriving for the New Year's get together, so I thought I would make some stuff to snack on. I made some press cookies, you know the kind that you squeeze out of the cookie press. Then I made some apricot crescents ( they kind of taste like a little fried pies). I bought some peanut butter filled pretzels and dipped them in chocolate. They kind of taste like a crunchy Reese's cup. I bought bags of nuts, dried fruit and yogurt covered raisins and made a trail mix. Johnny loves the trail mix. John loves the apricot crescents. John Pearson and Emily seemed to like everything. Hopefully there will be some left when everyone else gets here.
Here is just a little note about what not to do when you make cookies:
After beating the dough with you hand mixer, always unplug it. I was trying to get the rest of the dough out of the mixer blades and accidentally hit the on button. I got my thumb caught in the beaters and when I jerked my hand out
I pulled back so quick and hard that my shoulder that has been frozen for the past year moved to fast and too far. I really thought I was going to pass out. I have felt a little woozy the rest of the day. Thank God I didn't do something that dumb at work. I would have been written up big time.
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