Lawn furniture we will need to repaint
A huge bird house
A cute little corner cabinet.
This has been the most beautiful weekend we have had in forever. The sun was bright, the sky was perfectly clear and the breeze kept it from being too cool or too hot. My only complaint was that I didn't take a hat or sun screen when we went to the auction on Saturday. So today I have a bright red neck ( that has nothing to do with the fact that I live in Alabama) and a red nose that makes me look sort of like a wino. We spent most of the day sitting out in this little pasture where the auction was being held. We were oblivious to the rays.
When we first got there I didn't think we would find anything worth hanging around for. But if you have ever been to an auction, it doesn't matter how much junk is there, you manage to find a treasure and suddenly your hand is shooting up in air waving wildly to the auctioneer. About an hour into the sale I started looking around for a Porto potty. There was none to be had and the house that was being sold had been unoccupied for a few years. So there was no facility and no relief in sight. After about another 15 minutes I broke down and found the lady that lived in the house next door, and yes, choked on my pride and ask it I could use her bathroom. She was very gracious and I thanked her to the point that I knew I was over doing it a bit. The rest of the day went much better.
We bought a corner cabinet that was probably made back in the 40's. We decided this because of the thickness and the width of the wood. I have it shoved in the corner in the kitchen, but will carry it to Keepers as soon as we get an empty spot. We got the wind mill that will need to be put back together. The blades still turn smoothly and I thought it was cute so up shot the hand.
Next was the bird cage that must be designed for a parrot or some other large bird. I certainly don't have room for it, so it will go to Keepers also, along with the globe. John did bid on something for us. It was a set of lawn furniture, a table with a thick glass top and four chairs . It is heavy as a lead pipe and we like never force all this stuff into the back of the van. We finally got it unloaded this afternoon. I know the neighbors must look out the window and say, "What the heck are they dragging home now".
Our kids just have to be patient with us. We don't smoke, we don't drink, we don't have any other hobbies. We just like to collect junk. We have the satisfaction of knowing that when we die, the kids will have to have an auction to get rid of all this stuff. It's pay back time children:)
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