Thanksgiving is here, so close that you can almost smell the turkey and dressing, and pumpkin and pecan pies cooking in the oven. It seems that this time of year really flies by and once Halloween comes it is just wham bam until Thanksgiving and Christmas have past and we are looking at a whole new year. It is really true what is said about time flying faster as you get older. It seems that I was just cooking Thanksgiving dinner and here it is time to do it again.
I think we all start thinking about the things that we are thankful for around this time of year. I am thankful for my family, friends and the fact that I have lived long enough to have raised my children and am now enjoying watching my grand kids grow. I am thankful that I am still able to work and have a job I enjoy and fellow workmates that make my job more interesting to go to each day. I am thankful that my children have picked wonderful mates that are dependable and hard working and devoted to their families. Most of all I am thankful for the fact that grew up in the time that I did.
I grew up in a time when we not only could but were expected to pray each day before class started and we were expected to say the pledge of allegiance with our hand over our heart and taught how to honor our faith and our flag. I grew up in a time when everyone assumed that God was a man and when we said "Our Father who art in Heaven", we new that we were talking to our heavenly Father. I grew up in a time when we celebrated Christmas and never heard anyone of any faith protesting the fact that a Nativity scene was set up on any one's lawn, or in front of a church or public building. I grew up in a time when we actually Christmas caroled in our neighborhood and was never confronted by any negative comments and when we put up our Christmas tree, it was not a Holiday tree, it went up a few days before Christmas and I still remember how excited we were when we finally screwed enough bulbs to make the whole string of lights come on at once. We should all have that excitement like we had when we were little.
I think we have all become so politically correct that we have forgotten how to just bask in the simple pleasure of the moment. We should trust each other enough to believe we are capable of tolerating our individual differences.
I am thankful for the memories of the past, which seem a little naive, even to myself now. It was nice thinking that our President and other politicians had our best interest in mind. It was nice thinking that a family consisted of a Dad, Mother and children. It was nice thinking that all children were loved and cared for. I am thankful that I grew up in a small town and was able to experience all the things I have written about above. I think if I was a child growing up now I would be a total misfit.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Getting into the Holiday spirit
Send your own ElfYourself eCards
We elfed ourselves, then I lost us in a change I tried to make, but I think I have elfed us again. Lord I work so hard trying to figure out some of this stuff. Here I am missing most of Dancing With the Stars, but I think I got it. My George I think I finally got it.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Thank you to all our troops serving at home and in foreign countries. Thanks to all the service men and women that have fought in years past. These people have insured the freedom's that we have today.
I am proud to say that I have two son-in-laws that are serving their country now. Both have served in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa and many other places. My son served in the navy. My Dad and brother served in the Army and Army reserve. John's brother served in the navy and served in Vietnam. John's Grandfather fought in the trenches during WWI. My uncle was a prisoner of war in WWII and my friend's son is serving in Iraq at this time. They are and were doing a job that most of us could or would not do.
Thanks Again -
I am proud to say that I have two son-in-laws that are serving their country now. Both have served in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa and many other places. My son served in the navy. My Dad and brother served in the Army and Army reserve. John's brother served in the navy and served in Vietnam. John's Grandfather fought in the trenches during WWI. My uncle was a prisoner of war in WWII and my friend's son is serving in Iraq at this time. They are and were doing a job that most of us could or would not do.
Thanks Again -
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Lawn furniture we will need to repaint
A huge bird house
A cute little corner cabinet.
This has been the most beautiful weekend we have had in forever. The sun was bright, the sky was perfectly clear and the breeze kept it from being too cool or too hot. My only complaint was that I didn't take a hat or sun screen when we went to the auction on Saturday. So today I have a bright red neck ( that has nothing to do with the fact that I live in Alabama) and a red nose that makes me look sort of like a wino. We spent most of the day sitting out in this little pasture where the auction was being held. We were oblivious to the rays.
When we first got there I didn't think we would find anything worth hanging around for. But if you have ever been to an auction, it doesn't matter how much junk is there, you manage to find a treasure and suddenly your hand is shooting up in air waving wildly to the auctioneer. About an hour into the sale I started looking around for a Porto potty. There was none to be had and the house that was being sold had been unoccupied for a few years. So there was no facility and no relief in sight. After about another 15 minutes I broke down and found the lady that lived in the house next door, and yes, choked on my pride and ask it I could use her bathroom. She was very gracious and I thanked her to the point that I knew I was over doing it a bit. The rest of the day went much better.
We bought a corner cabinet that was probably made back in the 40's. We decided this because of the thickness and the width of the wood. I have it shoved in the corner in the kitchen, but will carry it to Keepers as soon as we get an empty spot. We got the wind mill that will need to be put back together. The blades still turn smoothly and I thought it was cute so up shot the hand.
Next was the bird cage that must be designed for a parrot or some other large bird. I certainly don't have room for it, so it will go to Keepers also, along with the globe. John did bid on something for us. It was a set of lawn furniture, a table with a thick glass top and four chairs . It is heavy as a lead pipe and we like never force all this stuff into the back of the van. We finally got it unloaded this afternoon. I know the neighbors must look out the window and say, "What the heck are they dragging home now".
Our kids just have to be patient with us. We don't smoke, we don't drink, we don't have any other hobbies. We just like to collect junk. We have the satisfaction of knowing that when we die, the kids will have to have an auction to get rid of all this stuff. It's pay back time children:)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
This last week has been a very busy one for me and John. We have traveled thirteen hundred miles in a short span of time between last Thursday and this past Tuesday. We drove from here to Ft Bragg N.C then down to Myrtle Beach S.C, then back home. We are still driving the Dodge van which has close to if not 200 thousand miles on it. We debated on renting a vehicle, but decided to tempt fate one more time and take the van. Even though we have broken down on every trip, in every major city, on the busiest interstate highways in America we still chose to drive our own. I must say it is probably a good thing, because I don't know if we will ever be able to vacuum all the cookies and Cheeze-its out of the back seat. I don't think the car rental place would have taken kindly to the mess the kids made.
Sarah and Cody came in with the kids on Sunday evening around midnight and left out for Ft Bragg on Monday evening about the same time. They Luke and Charlotte with us for a couple of days while they went ahead and got the furniture settled in. We entertained the kids and they entertained us for the next couple of days. We left around 12:30 on Thursday morning so we could get into the trip while the kids slept. When we got on the other side of Augusta Ga. Charlotte needed a diaper change and I realized she was running a fever. After that stop it was drive a few miles, stop and do a diaper change, drive a few miles.....
We got into Ft Bragg around 2:30 that afternoon. The kids were glad to see mom and dad and their new house and check out their new rooms. We helped hang some curtains and pictures and piddled around putting things away. That night Luke wanted Maw maw to sleep with him. Sometime during the night he rolls over and said "Maw maw my tummy hurts". You guessed it he was running a fever and had an upset stomach. I am convinced if I make it through this episode without getting sick, I must be a pretty tough old bird:)
We had a nice visit and it is always good to have an idea where you children are living. We decided since we were so close we should drive down to Myrtle Beach and check on John's mom.
We got there about 5:00 went out to the K&W and had dinner. The next morning John and Rose went to church then we went to Friendly's and had breakfast. John and I went and had the tires rotated on the van and hit a few thrift stores. That night we went to a little Calabash restaurant and had seafood. ( Man I am still stuffed from all the eating we did.) We left Tuesday morning heading back to Alabama and arrived here at 6:30 Tuesday night. I had to be up at 4:45 this morning and to work by 6:00. I am kind of dragging my tail tonight.
I will back track just a bit now. John's mom is 86 years old and has been living on her own since John's dad died a number of years ago. I know it is hard to give up your independence and everyone wants to keep that sense of being in charge of your life. I do think there comes a time when you have to let your children take some of the responsibility for you. Let them worry about where you left your purse, or what you did with the house key. Let them drive you to church so you don't have to get their an hour early just to find a spot up close to the door. Take this time to enjoy your kids, grand kid and great grand kids some of whom you haven't seen in years or ever. Interacting with them will help keep your mind active and help unclutter the things that are there just to irritate. This may be the time to make those choices.
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