This has been a very busy week. A lot of company coming in and out to visit Sondra and the kids. Sondra, David and Daniel got in about 12:00 P.M Wednesday night. By the time we got home it was about 1:30 and I had to be up at 4:45 to get ready for work. I was a little draggy the next day to say the least.
Since the weather has been so nasty, we stayed pretty close to the house on Thursday and Friday, but on Saturday, Sondra and Tracy spent the afternoon getting manicured and pedicured for the big twenty year reunion at the Marriott later that evening. Charlie and Jen came by to see Daniel and David. Everyone was all excited to be seeing old friends.
Monica, Tim and the boys came in from Memphis and Mark came in from South Haven. We had a lot of activity going on but I guess that is always the case with a large family. After church on Sunday Donnie Rohling offered to take a family picture for us. I wish we could have all been here. It is so hard to get the whole family together. We are shooting for New Year's Eve. Hopefully everyone can make it in then.
We all went out to eat Chinese food after church. Then everyone headed out in different directions. Mark back to South Haven. Johnny and Tracy had to take JP to ball practice and Emily to a skating party. Monica and Tim left a little bit later in the afternoon after squeezing in the tiniest bit of a nap.
Before we knew it the visit was over and Sondra and the kids were ready to head home. It is hard when families are so spread out over the country. It is almost impossible to see everyone at once but we are grateful for the times we do have with our kids and grand kids.
And by the way it is still raining almost every day. We did get an insurance adjuster out to look at the water damage. He said we had a lot of wind damage on the roof. I guess most of it happened when we were out in Colorado and then a wind storm shortly after we got back. I guess if it had not have come these torrential rains in the past week, we would not have realized anything was wrong until next spring. Thank God for insurance. I wonder if that is something they are going to make universal. Well that is another story, can't get into that right now.
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