Andrew on the waterfalls.
Light show at the water park.
Matthew on the waterfalls.
Grandaddy and the kids.
Is this where we are going to swim?
I have intended every day this week to get on line and post something on my blog. Not that I have any earth shattering revelations or mind boggling projects to report on. Just another week trying to entertain the grand kids. Sometimes I wonder what I would talk about if we didn't have such a mob of kids to keep us busy, make us laugh and not to mention getting the blood pressure elevated. This has been just another week in the on going saga of "Maw maw and Grandaddy".
As I said in my earlier post. Monica went to visit Sondra in Colorado, so we kept Andrew and Matthew. This has been a week of trying to keep four kids busy for a week, well not a whole week but five days. Monday we had to take a few things over to Keepers of the Past, but we were afraid to take all four of them into an antique store, so John carried the items in and then he took them to the Salvation Army and let them shop around while I displayed our items.
On Tuesday we took them to Lawrenceburg to David Crockett park. If there is a snake left in that entire park it will be a miracle. They splashed and crawled all over the water falls, rocks and sandbar.
The water was freezing cold. John was tough enough to get in with them. I woosed out, I can't stand that cold water past my ankles. John Pearson was able to actually spear fish. He found a piece of bamboo, broke it off and made a point on it and stalked a fish that was about 8 inches long. When he got close enough he threw the stick and I swear to you he speared the thing. Why do you never get stuff like that on video. The chances of him hitting it was probably a billion to one.
Wednesday we kind of hung around the house and I let them do some painting. They always amaze me how well they do and how imaginative they are. Later that evening we went out to the park and they played while Tracy and I walked. I think everyone was worn out by the time we got home, took a bath and finally got into bed.
Thursday was a day for riding bike and scooters and hanging out at the house until Tracy got off work. She wanted to treat the kids to pizza and a trip to the Waterfront water park. This is a really great place to take the kids to play. Just a large pavilion with water shooting up and lots of kids running and squealing. At 9:00 pm they have a light show with the different color light making the water looked pink, blue, yellow and green. While the light show is going on they play Muscle Shoals Sound music.(Lots of oldies). Just as we got home we had a tremendous wind storm. Took out a few trees in the neighborhood and knocked out power from 10:00 pm last night until a little after 12:00 this afternoon.
John took Andrew and Matthew out to the park for a while this evening and then to the Water Wheel ice cream parlor while I went with Tracy and Emily to take John Pearson to a CAP Civil Air Patrol meeting. We shopped for a while and got in around 8:30.
It has been kind of hectic this week, but we wanted to do a few thing to make the visit interesting. We don't get to see Andrew and Matthew very often even though they live just three hours away. Everyone keeps such a busy schedule that it's hard to fit all the scouting, school events and sporting events into visit time.
The week has certainly not be all happy smiling faces. We have had plenty of time outs to think about what we did and why we are sitting in the room by ourselves for fifteen minutes. We have learned that Grandaddy, in particular, does not like to be back talked to. We also learned that we shouldn't try to stick our arms in the spinning waterwheel in front of the ice cream parlor, not to change the item identifiers at the ice cream parlor, not to point guns at people even though they are toy guns, don't call your cousins stupid, don't try to kill you cousin with the dodge ball and I'm sure much more than I can remember right now.
Monica comes home tomorrow and already the boys are saying that they are not ready to go home yet. Maybe we haven't warped them to much with too many don't do this and don't do that and I hope you didn't just say what I thought you said...........
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