Today is Emily's 8th birthday. We had dinner at Johnny and Tracy's house tonight and played charades. This was Emily's game chose. That game is really harder than you realize.
I think John kind of ticked her off, because he had told her last week that he was going get her a horse for her birthday. She knew he couldn't get one, but secretly hoped that we would come pulling a horse in behind the van. I told him he shouldn't tease her like that.
Johnny and John Pearson spent the whole day sitting at Med Plus waiting to see a doctor. John Pearson broke his thumb in PE on Friday and it had turned black and green. Now he will have to go to bone doctor and have the same things done again.
I can't believe Emily is already 8 years old. It seems just yesterday that I would sit and rock her and when I would stop singing to her, she would start going hmmm. hmmm., hmmmm. She love the sound of singing.
Well Emily since Grandaddy didn't get you a horse, I posted a picture of the horses in the pasture behind us. Hope you had a wonderful birthday
Happy birthday emily!!. we love you mowmaw and grandaddy.
(Happy birthday Emily!! We love you MawMaw and Grandaddy.)
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