This past summer Sondra wanted us to come back and visit her in Germany, so once again we made the transatlantic flight to Europe. We were not hardly as apprehensive this time. We left on July 3 rd and this time we were staying for six weeks. This was hard to do since were leaving the other grand kids for such a long time. We were use to being with Luke and Charlotte everyday and seeing John Pearson and Emily almost everyday. We decided that everyone could take care of themselves without John and I being here.
The first week we were in Germany we adjusted to our jet lack and rested for a couple of days. After we had been there for a week we left on a five day trip to Sweden. That was the most exciting part of the whole trip for John. Since the Sundquist came from Sweden John felt kind of like Alex Haley searching for his roots. Sondra had contacted a distant relative to let them know that we were coming to Sweden and would like to touch base with them while we were there.
These people were unbelievable, they told us to come and stay in a bungalow that they had and to just make ourselves at home. The bungalow was right on the bay and the view was just breathtaking. I felt like I was staying in a Southern Living Magazine layout. Curt took us out on one of his tourist boat, we went out and ate authentic Swedish meatballs served with ligion (?) berry preserves. We also went to visit the old Sundquist home place. It had deteriorated and not much left of it, but to be standing in the same spot that your ancestors stood gave even me goose pumps. Both John and Curt got a little misty eyed. Over in a area that was grown over with vine was an old sled, probably used by John's great grandad when he was a boy.
Sweden is probably the most beautiful place we visited. The wild flowers grew along the side of the roads and looked as though they had been hand sewn. Flying over the area it looked like you could literally see the land coming up from the ocean. We were there at a great time, because it was daylight almost 24 hours a day. It was a once in a lifetime experience.
Going and coming to Ullanger we stayed the night in Upssila, which was a beautiful town with a college and the students were lounging and picnicing along the canal that ran through town. We flew into a smaller airport, but drove through Stocholm. We were able to see the Royal Castle from a distance. We were so glad that we were able to make this wonderful side trip.
Yet another place I never thought I would see.
PS the pictures are of the Sundquist home place.
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