Well I started back to work today and it really wasn't so bad. It was nice seeing all my co-workers and finding out how their holidays went.
It finally stopped raining , the sun came out and it turned out to be a beautiful day. It was a little windy and the tempature had dropped but it was nice to see the sunshine for a change.
When I got in and checked my email, Jim had sent us an email with the REDNECK SEAFOOD DINNER picture. I thought it was so cute I just had to share it with everyone. The really strange thing is that we served the little squid dogs a couple of summers ago when the international students came in. They couldn't eat beef or pork so we made them from turkey franks, and we couldn't fix them fast enough. I guess you could say they are not redneck food but INTERNATIONL CUISINE!!
Oh by the way Jim, I haven't been able to find your picture that I was looking for, but I will.....