You remember I told you about the trouble I was having changing my email over the other day. Well apparently I have lost all this information in cyber space. My old account was closed before I could make a record of all my email addresses.
So what I need you to do is drop me a note in the mail and send me your email address. You know who you are: Jim, Tom, Diane, Mark, Sarah, Sondra, Rosmary ( I think I remembered your's) , and anyone else that has my home address. If you have been emailing me stuff and I have not responded, this is the reason.
Hope to hear from all of you real soon. Thanks
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Grandma Moses
It seems lately that I have been at loose ends. I go to work at 5:30 a.m. and get home about 2:30 p.m.. I don't like to feel like the "Groundhog Day" movie, where you get up and the same thing happens every day. Every thing becomes to predictable.
Well I was prowling around in some of our stuff, you know the kind of stuff that you find at yard sales or auctions, and you're are sure you will never use these things but you keep them anyway. On one of the shelves was an art set that we had found somewhere, so I decided I would paint something. Well I have never had a brush in hand, as you can probaby tell, but I became totally lost in my painting efforts. John was very complimentery, but I secretly thinks he thinks I have gone nuts.
I have always felt that I must have a talent for something, but I have just never found it. I took music lessons for 9 years when I was a kid and I swear to you about the only thing I remember is where middle C is. This has always been a big disappointment since most of my family was very musical. My Dad could play just about any instrument and so could my older brother. I'm still looking for my special talent. I also feel that everyone has at least one book in them. I have two or three chapters of two or three books in my head but nothing on paper. Seems when you start to write it down you can't get it from the brain to the pen. Maybe that will come when I'm older and have less clutter upstairs:)
Anyway I am going to share my pictures with you. If I paint anymore you will be the first to see. Don't laugh, just shake your head and say "What in the world was she thinking".
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I had great plans to tell you all about our trip back to Germany and everywhere else we went in '08, but when I got in that all changed.
John had been on the phone most of the day trying to get our old Att plan changed over to this supposedly new faster, easier no worry Att. plan that bundles your phone, cell phone, dish and computer services together. Sounds great doesn't it.
He had been but on hold and switched to a different opperator 11 time in an hour and 45 minutes. His face was so red I swear I thought he was going to have a stroke. This comes after he had spent 3 hours on the phone trying to get the computer to work the day before. He had to move everthing in the bedroom to find a spot that we could pick up a signal.
Well after finding out that this particular Att plan doesn't offer email service but we could get an account through Google, OK so this should be easy enough. I go to igoogle and set up an account. Then I go to paypal to change my email account with them. First it wouldn't accept by old acount to get in to change to the new one. After about an hour I am finally able to change to the new account and remove the old account.
I thought I will go to my and unwind and bore everyone for a while. Well my new email address was on the sign in page and would not accept my old password. At this point I am about the blow a fuse. I am sitting in front of the computer cussing like a drunken sailor. I finally got on the blog page, I don't know how, I don't know if this will post or not, but at least I have vented my frustration on this darn keyboard.
What ever happened to the good old days when you had rotary dial phones, rabbit ears on your tv and a transistor radio hold to next to your ear and keep you company?.
John had been on the phone most of the day trying to get our old Att plan changed over to this supposedly new faster, easier no worry Att. plan that bundles your phone, cell phone, dish and computer services together. Sounds great doesn't it.
He had been but on hold and switched to a different opperator 11 time in an hour and 45 minutes. His face was so red I swear I thought he was going to have a stroke. This comes after he had spent 3 hours on the phone trying to get the computer to work the day before. He had to move everthing in the bedroom to find a spot that we could pick up a signal.
Well after finding out that this particular Att plan doesn't offer email service but we could get an account through Google, OK so this should be easy enough. I go to igoogle and set up an account. Then I go to paypal to change my email account with them. First it wouldn't accept by old acount to get in to change to the new one. After about an hour I am finally able to change to the new account and remove the old account.
I thought I will go to my and unwind and bore everyone for a while. Well my new email address was on the sign in page and would not accept my old password. At this point I am about the blow a fuse. I am sitting in front of the computer cussing like a drunken sailor. I finally got on the blog page, I don't know how, I don't know if this will post or not, but at least I have vented my frustration on this darn keyboard.
What ever happened to the good old days when you had rotary dial phones, rabbit ears on your tv and a transistor radio hold to next to your ear and keep you company?.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I know everyone is sitting at the computer in nail biting suspence anticipating my next vacation post. In case your not, then let me bore you some more.
In 2007, Sondra, Jonathan and David moved to Germany. This seemed like a million miles away instead of just a few thousand. I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would have the opportunity to travel outside the United States and to be honest I never wanted to. I always said there was to much that I had not seen and probably never would see right here in the states. Well that all changed when Sondra got there and decided she wanted us to visit. Again you do things for your kids that you wouldn't do for anyone else.
Well after I gave her a possible maybe, she made plans the very next week. So before we knew what had hit us, we had tickets for a flight to Germany for a three week visit and a cruise for the five of us while we were there. We flew out on John's birthday, the 21st of May and arrived on the 22nd. We were both a little apprehensive about the fight, but by clinging to each others hands and the help of a couple of night time P.M pills for me we were able to make our very first transalantic flight. I still think Sondra was surprised when we actually got off the plane.
We were in Germany for a week when we drove down to Italy to board our ship. We drove through parts of Austria which is the greenest most lush looking landscape you can imagine. We drove through the wine country of Italy, and it seened as though each mile brought a prettier picture. After a little stress over a traffic stalh, we made it to Venice Italy to board our ship the "Splendour of the Seas". We unloaded the car, the luggage, David and headed for the ship. After we got into our cabin and freshened up a bit we went up to the main deck to see Venice as we departed. I told John "oh we need to get the camera to take pictures of this", that is when we realized we had left the camera behind the seat in Jonathan's car. Needless to say we didn't take any pictures of the places we stopped at on the cruise. But that's OK we will let Sondra take pictures for us. As it turned of her camera malfuntioned and we have no pictures of the cruise.
This may be great for you all.
Our cruise was a seven day cruise. Our itinerary included Dubrovnik Croatia, Kusadasi (Ephesus) Turkey, Santorini Greece, Corfu Greece and then back to Venice Italy.
In Croatia we went to a small outside resturant to eat. I didn't recognize any thing on the menu so I ordered the small fish, so living in the south I invisioned something like a small catfish plate. Well when it was brought to the table and the waiter set down in front of me, you can imagine my shock when I told him I thought he had brought the wrong plate. It looked like they had drained a bucket of minnows and dropped the into the deep fryer head guts and all. Now I can eat just about anything, but I could not eat those tiny fish. The fries were great though.
When we disembarked in Kusadasi. Turkey, Jonathan hired a taxi for the day. We drove the the ruins of Ephesus. It was suprising how big the city of Epheses was and how elaborate the buildings and the colisum. This is where St Paul preached. Then we went up on the where St John brought Mary and she spent her last day. It was so peaceful and sirene.
Next we sailed to Santorini Greece. John and I chose to stay on ship with David, but Sondra and Jonathan went up to the city. The only way to get to the top is walk or ride a donkey up. They chose the donkey. Sondra said she had never hugged a donkey so hard in her life, as they made it up the steep cliff to get to the top. All I can say is I'm glad I passed that one up.
Our third stop was Corfu, Greece. We did our own walking tour of the city and took a buggy ride through to old part of the town. Again just beautiful. We arrived back in Italy on the eight day and decided to drive to Turin, Italy to the church that houses the Shroud of Turin. We then drove up to Switzerland and stayed over night. We drove through the Swiss Alps, I mean we liteally drove through most of the Alps. The roads take you through tunnel after tunnel for miles and miles. If I had know before hand how long we were going to be underground, my claustrophia would have kicked in and I would have paniced.
Oh I almost forgot. On the last day of our cruise, we decided to play bingo. The pot had grown each day, so we were playing for something like $1,700.00, when they called the winning number and Sondra was the winner and didn't have to split it with anyone. This could not have happened to a better person, since she had treated us to this magnificent trip.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Stripes and Plaids

When I posted my "Red Neck Seafood Dinner" post a few weeks ago, I said that I would put a picture of Jim in his stripes and plaids outfit as soon as I found the right picture.
Well I have looked and was unable to lay my hands on the particular picture I was looking for. Today I received another email from Jim and he had attached this picture of him, Rosemary and their dad . Of course Jim is wearing his signature out fit, which is a pair of plaid madris walking shorts and a horizontal striped pull over usually in a contrasting color. To put the finishing touch on this eye popping ensemble is the tennis shoes which comes in a color of his choice.
Thanks for the picture and we can probably hope see this new fade hit the open market in the very near future. Strut you stuff!!!!
Friday, January 23, 2009
When we flew to Alaska, it was the first time I had flown since Johnny was in basic training at the Great Lake's Navel base. I had only flown once before that and had a bad experience when we flew to NJ when John and I were first married. One of the engines went out and we kind of fell from the sky for a few seconds. ( It seemed like an eternity). We made an emergency landing in Pittsburgh and continued on from there. I swore I would never fly again but when it come to seeing you kids you disregard all those oaths.
When we started our flight to Alaska I became so engrossed with the view that I forgot about being nervous and started taking pictures of the ground patterns, clouds and sky. As a matter of fact I probably took more pictures of the sky than I took on the whole trip.
Flying makes me feel very small and insignificant When you look down and even something as large as a semi truck looks like an ant and a person cannot even be seen, then you wonder why we think everything centers around me. When you compare the little speck that is me, to the whole universe and everything in it, my wants and needs seem beyond small.
Flying and childbirth are two things that make me know there is a God.
When you have a child and you look down at that baby and see what was created inside you body and started from a tiny speck and comes into the world with tiny hands, feet, eyes, and a beating heart that has been beating from the time it was no bigger that a grape, this boggles the mind. When you look out of a plane window and you see the land with all it quilt shaped patterns, the rivers making snake like twist and turns and the beauty of horizon, you know that something bigger than the me's in the world created this.
Even though I will never feel completely comfortable flying, it does reenforce my faith in God.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I don't know if I am going to get the pictures posted or not. Uh Oh! Here comes one. Maybe it is going to work now. I feel like I have just given birth to these pictures. I have labored for two days and finally they are here. I would name them, but I haven't figured out how to label each picture:)
The first picture is a picture of the ship we were on called the Summit.
Next is a picture of my tennis match. This is the girl I beat. She was a real sweet girl but I showed her no mercy.
The others are just sights that I thought was worthy a picture.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Well Sarah, Cody, Luke and Charlotte have gone back to Nebraska. We had a wonderful visit and enjoyed being with the kids for awhile. I had four days off and was able to spend the whole time with them. Now I have gone back to work and back to the old grind. I am going to have to think of something to blog about. If you can't talk about your grand kids, what better thing to talk about than your old vacations and show pictures. Yea!!!
I mentioned in one of my first blogs that I had seen and done things in the last couple of years that I thought I would only see in National Geographic. Well I have now seen some of those wonderful places and have taken my own pictures. God really knew how to create magnificent sights.
In 2006 our kids chipped in and gave us a trip to Alaska. We went the last week in May. It must have been the most perfect week of the year. The weather was just right not to hot or cold. Most of the days were clear and sunny. The days were still long and you could wake up at 3 :00 a.m in the morning out look out the porthole and see nothing put blue sea and sky. It was hard to tell where one ended and the other began. We were lucky enough to have a large port window that was probably five or six feet in diameter. It was nice just to go back to our room and lay on the bed and watch the waves rolling past. ( Talk about stress relief!)
We flew into Anchorage then took a train down to Seward, where we boarded the Summit. We cruised for seven days and stopped at several ports. We didn't take many side trips, we just enjoyed getting off the ship and wandering around the small towns. We met a lot of really nice people on board. We enjoyed the fancy dinners, the live shows and the casino. I even came in second in a table tennis tournament. Of course there were only three of us competing and I wasn't that good. It was just that the third person was really terrible.
I wish I was like Sondra and could remember the names of all the towns, and the of all the people we met. I couldn't remember stuff like that when her age. The important thing is that we went, we saw and we enjoyed every minute of it. One of the advantages of having a lots of kids, they sometimes surprise with very special gifts.
I will have to post the pictures tomorrow. Darn dial up. Kept getting shut down.
I mentioned in one of my first blogs that I had seen and done things in the last couple of years that I thought I would only see in National Geographic. Well I have now seen some of those wonderful places and have taken my own pictures. God really knew how to create magnificent sights.
In 2006 our kids chipped in and gave us a trip to Alaska. We went the last week in May. It must have been the most perfect week of the year. The weather was just right not to hot or cold. Most of the days were clear and sunny. The days were still long and you could wake up at 3 :00 a.m in the morning out look out the porthole and see nothing put blue sea and sky. It was hard to tell where one ended and the other began. We were lucky enough to have a large port window that was probably five or six feet in diameter. It was nice just to go back to our room and lay on the bed and watch the waves rolling past. ( Talk about stress relief!)
We flew into Anchorage then took a train down to Seward, where we boarded the Summit. We cruised for seven days and stopped at several ports. We didn't take many side trips, we just enjoyed getting off the ship and wandering around the small towns. We met a lot of really nice people on board. We enjoyed the fancy dinners, the live shows and the casino. I even came in second in a table tennis tournament. Of course there were only three of us competing and I wasn't that good. It was just that the third person was really terrible.
I wish I was like Sondra and could remember the names of all the towns, and the of all the people we met. I couldn't remember stuff like that when her age. The important thing is that we went, we saw and we enjoyed every minute of it. One of the advantages of having a lots of kids, they sometimes surprise with very special gifts.
I will have to post the pictures tomorrow. Darn dial up. Kept getting shut down.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Here are some pictures of the grandkids this week. Sarah and Cody, Luke and Charlotte came down form Nebraska for a short visit. It was good to have the kids back in the house. Luke and Charlotte went to the toy box and found the toys they had left behind when they moved. They acted like they had been here only yesterday.
Johnny, Tracy and John Pearson came down with a bug and had to stay home from work and school on Friday. Emily had had it last week so she stayed with us. Emily, Luke and Charlotte had a really good time playing together. Emily mothers the little ones. She likes to help them get dressed and shampoo their hair when they take their baths. This works out great for me. I hate kneeling and leaning over in the tub to try wrestle them down to get them bathed.
When I put them to bed, I had them lay crossed ways in the bed so they would have more room. This brought back memories of when I was a child and staying at a relatives and sleeping maybe five or six in a bed, usually three at the head of the bed and two at the foot. It was hard to find a comfortable spot without having someone's feet or butt in your face.
I had to snap the picture of John kissing the kids goodnight. He is the perfect grandaddy. He has much more patience than I do. He will play games like CLUE, MONOPLY AND JOHN PEARSON RUMMY with them for hours. I guess as long as I cook for them when they are here I can skimp on the playing stuff.
This morning I took the picture of the the three of them. Luke and Charlotte had both had a bloody nose. Charlotte had fallen out of a chair the night before and burst her lip and hit her nose, so she went to bed with a bloody nose and Luke just got one during the night. With all the feet and elbows and the way they had all rolled during the night I am not suprised. Could have been a foot, could have been a knee, could have been an elbow or maybe someone's head. You know all the kids have giant bowling ball heads. Should have slept in a helmet on
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
These pictures were taken in November when we went to Columbus Ohio for John's mom's 85 th birthday. It was also Caroline's mother's 85 th birthday.
There was a really good turn out. John, Tom, Jim and Rosemary were all able to make it. Some of Rose's grandchildren and great grandchildren were there. Mark was the only one of our children that made it. I think he really enjoyed himself. Joey, Lisa and Landon ( Rosemary and Larry's). Lori, Todd and Anthony (Tom and Carol's). All of Caroline's sisters and brother came. We had a wonderful time with lots of tasty food and drink. The weather was just perfect, warm enough that we could be outside and cool enough that we could play the corn hole toss game without breaking to much of a sweat.
It is hard to get all the relatives together so sometimes it can be two or three years before John gets to see his family. It was fun watching John and his brothers and sister cutting up and teasing each other and their mother. Oddly enough no one remembers the same thing from their childhood or if they do they remember it differently. Anyway it was a lot a of fun and maybe we can all get together again soon.
I have had a very hard time downloading these pictures. One more try and that is it. Yepee I got two them. Yepee got three more. That's good
Monday, January 12, 2009
Well since it is the New Year, we couldn't at least start the month of January without making an attempt at getting fit. Believe me this is harder than it looks.
I went to Wal-Mart and bought two hoola hoops. I was remembering how much fun it was when the hoops first came out in the late 50's. My friends and I would spend hours gyrating around the yard with these wonderful new inventions swaying effortless around our waist. We got so good that we could start at the neck and work them down to the ankles and back up again. Well either times have changed or the hoola hoop has.
I have tried for a week to keep it going for just two or three rounds and I simply can not make it happen. One thing for sure is that it really makes your stomach muscles hurt. I guess this is better than nothing, but I sure do hate to admit defeat.
John Pearson and Emily are getting the hang of it, but not MawMaw, so I just went back to the stepper. If I don't fall off and break something I can tell everyone that I am on a streneous work out program.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Forty three years ago John and I got married in a very small wedding at St. Joseph church in Florence Al. The only people there were my parents, brothers, sister and grand dad, John's mom and dad, and Shirley Kolossa who was the personnel manager at K-Mart. My sister-in-law Shirley and Joe McCellan served as our wittnesses.
We didn't have a reception or any thing like that. I didn't know too much about weddings and how they were put together. I think at the time I had only gone to about five weddings and they looked a little scary to me, so I didn't want all that hoopla.
John and I may be the two most boring people in the world, but our marriage has been anything but boring. We were 20 and 21 in 1966, we only knew each other 3 months when we got married. I pretty much knew from the time we first met that John was Mr. Right. We had the same ideas about life and the same values and that pretty much sealed the deal for me.
We have raised our family in the same house for the last forty years. Five kids, two parents and always any number of friends spending the night packed our three bedroom house to overflow capacity. Now when the kids and grand kids come we have to pack part of them off to Johnny's or Sarah's ( when they lived here). I have no desire to live anywhere else, this is the house where all our memories were made. If my ship every comes in though ,I will remodel, but like Mark asked " How is that ship going to get under that little bridge Daddy?"
I can only hope that our kids love and respect each other enough commit to their marriages and make it at least as long as John and I have.
Now enough about the past. I will tell you what we did today. We left the house at about 10:00 o'clock this morning and drove over to Hearts Crys this is a thrift store in Killen. We take the grand kids there when they are in and you would think they were shopping at Macy's. Found a dress, plate, toy tractor (for Luke), and a set of wheels for a Razor scooter. Spent $6.00.
We then went to Habitat Restore. Found a set of horseshoes from the Foundrey of the Shoals. If we keep them another fifty years they will probably be worth what we paid for them, $15.00. I also found a Hall CO. coffee pot for $8.00 total $22.00.
We then went to Chili's for lunch and had hamburgers ( that reminds me of something that happend on our honeymoon, but I won't get into that right now.) From the picture you can barely see the Chili's sign so I guess if God wanted us to take pictures of ourselves, he would have given us longer arms:)
We rounded off our exciting day by going over to check our antique booth at Keepers of the Past. As you can see it just happens to have a Salvation Army next to it and we had to prawl around in there for awhile. We did sell a china cabinet while we were in Keepers. $325.00
We came home had a bowl of chicken noodle soup and watched the movie "Bucket List".
We have for the past several years gone to Tunica for our anniversary, but John thinks we came out ahead this time. Made
$325.00 spent $50.00 on all our activities and didn't have to drive 8 hours.
Now we will start working forty four years...
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Why is it that we get so mellow and begin to reminisce about old friends and relationships this time of the year? I guess it is because it is the beginning a new year and we start thinking about things to keep and things to throw away, habits to get into and habits to discard, relationships to let go of and friendships to hang on to for dear life.
Old friends are definetly the most treasured gifts. I don't have a lot of really close friends, but the ones I do have I hold close to my heart.
Sandra is probably my closest and dearest friend. We have known each other most of our lives and became good friends after we both got married to nice Catholic boys. Our families have vacationed together, been through good times and bad, sickness and health, poorer and poorer. In a way I guess our families are married to each other. We have never been mad enough at each other to say "well this is it". Friends like this are hard to find.
Judy was my best friend in school and we lived next door to each other growing up. We were like sisters. We told each other secrets that no one else would ever know. We wore each others clothes ( the ones I could get into because she was so tiny and I was never that) and sometimes we fought like a couple of wild cats. I don't see Judy often now, but I always get a birthday card each year. When we do see each other we laugh and giggle and act nutty just like we did when we were kids. Friends like this keep you young.
Mary Sue is my neighborhood friend. Our kids played together growing up and are still friends. We have exercised together, dieted together and we both love to play the slots, so we have made more than a few trips to Tunica. I know she is just down the street and will come if I need her.
Friends like this make you feel secure.
Johnny was my best guy friend from my teenage years. He always accepted me and Judy for the nuts we were. We went to parties, movies, and just drove around on Court Street for hours on Saturday night. It was nice to have a guy friend to call when you couldn't get a date. Friends like this are fun to be around.
Diane lives in Ohio and I haven't seen her in fifteen or maybe twenty years. We became best buddies when we lived in the same apartment building when John and I moved to Ohio with K-mart. I would not have made it without her. John worked long hours and I had Johnny and she had Jody who was just a few months older than Johnny. I would get up and get John off to work and by 9:30 or 10:00 I would go over to her apartment. We would watch soap opras most of the morning, then I would go back to our apartment and fix John's lunch. I would head back to her place in the afternoon and watch more soaps. We would cook up new recipes ( Diane was really a good cook). I particularly remember fixing "Hot German potato salad". We must have ate a bucket full of that stuff. We made it every day for a week. One day I went over and she was making a standing rib roast ( I was impressed) because my cooking skills had not developed much past spaghetti and meatloaf.
I talked to Diane every couple of years, but when we do talk the conversation is easy and as if no time has lapsed since the last time. I talked to her this week and touched base with her about family and how she was spending her retirement time. It may be another couple of years before I talk to her but I know our friendship will remain the same. Friends like this make you feel connected by memories.
There are a few more friends, but these friendships are evolving as time goes on. Maybe they will in time become as important as the ones I have written about. Friends like this make you work at the relationship.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Well I started back to work today and it really wasn't so bad. It was nice seeing all my co-workers and finding out how their holidays went.
It finally stopped raining , the sun came out and it turned out to be a beautiful day. It was a little windy and the tempature had dropped but it was nice to see the sunshine for a change.
When I got in and checked my email, Jim had sent us an email with the REDNECK SEAFOOD DINNER picture. I thought it was so cute I just had to share it with everyone. The really strange thing is that we served the little squid dogs a couple of summers ago when the international students came in. They couldn't eat beef or pork so we made them from turkey franks, and we couldn't fix them fast enough. I guess you could say they are not redneck food but INTERNATIONL CUISINE!!
Oh by the way Jim, I haven't been able to find your picture that I was looking for, but I will.....
Monday, January 5, 2009
Well I have been off work since the 14th of November and the time has arrived for me to head back to the old grind of working 8 hours a day.
I am going back with mixed emotions. First I know I need to go back because John and I have this habit of wanting to eat 2 or 3 times a day. I think I feel more mentally alert when I do something besides watch TV and sit in the recliner. And I do miss all the people I work with and the students.
On the other hand, sometimes the people I work with and the students can be a real pain in the rear. Some days I enjoy waking up at 8:00 am instead of 4:45 am. Most of all I think those 2 or3 meals a day have made me feel like a blimp and now I am praying that I can still button and zip my work pants. Is there anyway to loose 10 lbs in two days beside cutting something off? If so respond as soon as possible.
My time off has been really enjoyable. We were able to take a trip to Nebraska to see Sarah, Cody and the kids. We went to Memphis for a long weekend to see Monica, Tim and the kids and Mark. Sondra, Jonathan and David came home for a week. Johnny had a couple of weeks off to spend with John Pearson and Emily, so these last few weeks have been full of family, friends, food and celebrating.
We are so happy that we were able to make it through this year safe and sound. We look forward to the year to come and hope it is every bit as good as the one just past.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
I thought I would add a few more family pictures. These are primarily added for the interest of our real Swedish Sundqvist relatives. I have tried to add a picture of each of our immediate family members. Sorry if I have left anyone out in the last three post. Let me know if I did.
There is a picture of Sarah and Cody our youngest daughter. The two little ones in the tree are their children Luke and Charlotte.
The young man with the beard is our youngest son Mark, the boy and girl by the roll of hay are John Pearson and Emily. The group picture is John's Mom, Jim, Tom, John and sister Rosemary.
Friday, January 2, 2009
New Year's pictures
OK so here are the other pictures I said I would post. I guess this is where the saying, "If you want a better picture, you should bring a better face", comes from.
Mark I just simply could not post the most recent picture I had of you. As your mother I love you too much and refuse to do that to you:)
Mark I just simply could not post the most recent picture I had of you. As your mother I love you too much and refuse to do that to you:)
We celebrated New Year's eve at Sandra and Charles' home this year. It was me and John, Johnny, Tracy, John Pearson, Emily, Monica, Tim, Andrew, Matthew, Aaron, Sondra, Jonathan, David, Suzanne, Todd, Audrey, Ian, Benjamin, Sandra and Charles. The numbers keep getting smaller with adult children and larger with grandchildren,
Mark could not come because he had to be back to work on Friday. Sarah, Cody, Luke and Charlotte were in Nebraska. Freeman and Huntley went to Gulf for a few days, and Charlie, Jennifer, Charlie Ann, Cody and Nathan were in Kansas.
It gets harder and harder to keep these old traditions going. Sandra and I were trying to figure out how many years our familes had been getting together on New Year's, and we came to the conclusion that is is well over 30 years. It has been fun watching the kids grow from their infant and toddler years to their pre school to elementry years and Lord knows their teen age and dating years. Now all of our kids are grown and have families of their own, except Mark who is still available. And the beat goes on.
It was wonderful having Sondra, Jonathan and David back from Germany. Monica, Tim and the kids came in from Memphis and Mark was in for a day earlier in the week. Johnny and Tracy and the kids came over several times. They all fun catching up with each other after almost three years.
We had our ususal seafood feast on New Year's eve and we probably want want shrimp again until next year. Sandra and Charles did a great job.
On New Year's day we had the traditional meal.
Blackeyed peas - Health
Collard greens -Wealth
Hog jowl - Luck
Corn bread - Because it goes great with the above.
And this year we added Peaches which is for Love. This was contributed by Jonathan from when he worked at Morrison's.
All in all it was a fun filled week, but now I need to rest up for a few days before I return to work.
We wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR
I will add more pictures tomorrow since I didn't get Mark and Jonathan in this batch, also Johnny, Tracy and the Kids. Sorry!!!
I will add more pictures tomorrow since I didn't get Mark and Jonathan in this batch, also Johnny, Tracy and the Kids. Sorry!!!
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