Well it is Christmas Eve 2008. After all the Christmas' past, with five children in the house and each one wanting something special that "Santa" is sure to bring them, we are own our own. Just John and Me and the the NetDish installer are here together. I know he is ready to get home to his family and we are ready for him to leave. We are going to eat dinner with Johnny, Tracy and the kids. Tracy's mom will be there also. We haven't seen her in quite a while.
I was going trough some pictures today and found these in our picture drawer. Man I can't believe that so much time has past since the kids were here. Johnny is going to be 42, Monica just turned 40, Sondra is 37 (and going to have baby #2), Mark is 30, and Sarah is 27. That must make me and John about 110.
The worst part and the best part is that me and John will have the Holiday with just the two of us. It is just not the same without a child in the house. Although Johnny, Tracy and the kids will come over and eat tomorrow, the presents have all been exchange so no messy wrapping paper to fill up two garbage cans.
Monica and Tim and the kids will spend Christmas at home in Memphis.
Sarah and Cody and the kids will spend Christmas in Nebraska.
Sondra and Jonathan and David will be in North Carolina, and Mark will spend Christmas alone in South Haven MS because he has to work the day after Christmas. (That really Stinks)
After dinner tomorrow John and I will probably cozy down for a nice long after Christmas dinner nap. We want be putting bikes, trains, and doll beds together. We want be trying to find the instructions that got thrown away with all the Christmas wrapping paper, and we want be shouting, "you're going to shoot your eye out".
Just a reminder to all our children. Although it seems very hectic and madding at times. Enjoy the Christmas of the Present, remember the Christmas' of the Past, and look forward to the Christmas' of the Future.
Now to all a Merry Christmas and for us a good nap.
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