Daniel on Christmas morning.
Thank goodness Santa found them
Ours was not a big tree but it made the boys feel assured that Santa was coming.

Three weeks with Mawmaw and Granddaddy must have worn out Sedlacek's
Sweet Charlotte

Three weeks in Washington

Three weeks in Washington
Brothers bonding
Mark looks worn to a frazzle.

Luke and Charlotte at cookie time.

Calgon take me away.
Believe it or not, John and I didn't fall off the face of the earth. I think my last post was shortly before Thanksgiving and our life has been a whirlwind through the holidays. I declare that the older we get, the busier our life becomes. Maybe we just make ourselves feel more important than we actually are. With five kids there are always things going on that we want to be a part of with the kids and grand kids. Makes me wonder what people like the Octi Mom and the Duggars will do when all their children grows up and have children of their own. It could be a never ending trip from one home to the other helping with one special event after the other. There are births, wedding, baptisms, first communions, sporting events, graduations and the list goes on and on.
Believe it or not, John and I didn't fall off the face of the earth. I think my last post was shortly before Thanksgiving and our life has been a whirlwind through the holidays. I declare that the older we get, the busier our life becomes. Maybe we just make ourselves feel more important than we actually are. With five kids there are always things going on that we want to be a part of with the kids and grand kids. Makes me wonder what people like the Octi Mom and the Duggars will do when all their children grows up and have children of their own. It could be a never ending trip from one home to the other helping with one special event after the other. There are births, wedding, baptisms, first communions, sporting events, graduations and the list goes on and on.
We left Saturday after Thanksgiving and headed out to Washington. New baby number 11 had arrived on November the 8Th and Sarah needed a few extra hands and we had four ready to pitch in. The little ones were glad to have us there for a while even their other grandparents were leaving Seattle on the same day we were flying in. I think they were glad to get a little more spoiling. Luke and Charlotte were still in school so we were constantly in the car taking Charlotte to school, picking Luke up, picking Charlotte up, running to Karate, gymnastics, Dr's appointments and you name it. As much as Maw maw and Granddaddy enjoyed our visit, we were dragging our hinney by the time the three weeks were up and we headed back to Al.
When we made it back home Sondra, Jonathan, David and Daniel were already here. They had made the trip home from Co. for the holidays. The first week we were home I was sick as a dog and spent more time in bed than anywhere else. I finally got over my ick and we had a nice Christmas. I miss having little ones home at Christmas. They seem to have an excitement that I just can't seem to pull out of my hat anymore. It's sad that we lose that joy and anticipation somewhere alone the way.
We had our trip to the Elk River Lodge for New Year's. All the Krieger's were here this year. For the second year in a row Sarah, Cody and the kids didn't make it home. It was too hard for Sarah to travel with all four little ones. Maybe next year everyone will be able to make it in.
I hope I didn't leave anyone out of the pictures, but if I did I'll get you next time.
Today is mine and John's 46Th wedding anniversary. Where does the time go? I cannot even begin to tell how lucky and blest I am to have met and married John. We have had a lifetime of peeks and valleys, but we have always managed to find a bridge to get from one peek to the other. God has blest us with five children that have all made us proud and blest us with soon to be 12 grand children. I hope that they will always remember the good times and have a special place in their hearts for Maw maw and Granddaddy.