David will be 5 years old on Saturday. We got such a kick out of this video that I thought I would post it. How in the world do kids get so smart so fast. I am 65 years old and couldn't begin to give all the names of the planets in our solar system. He cut them out and designed the solar system by himself, unless you count Daniel who was watching him. I think we have a rocket scientist on our hands.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010

The last week has literally flown by. We got in from our visit to Fayetteville, I went back to work and John's brother Jim and Becky came in for a short visit. I have not had the time or took the time to sit down and write on my blog for a few days. But since I have a snow day today I have nothing else taking my time, so I will try to post something.
I was looking back at the pictures that I had taken of new baby Mark Hayden and also the pictures that I had made in August when Daniel was born. It made me smile to look at the expressions on the siblings faces. You could see a little anxiety, (maybe wondering if this new baby is going to take over my territory). You could see the look of pride. (look I have a brand new baby brother). But most of all you could see the look of love on all the faces. Happy moms, glad to have baby here. Big smiles from the dads showing the pride they have in their families. Super happy Maw Maw and Grand daddy knowing that these are little pieces of them that will stretch into the future for another generation.
I dug out some pictures of our own little family when the kids were babies and I could see the same expressions on their faces. Big brother holding little brother, sisters being the little mommies to new baby and the look of "is he taking my place". I'm sure if I dug further and looked at pictures of my own siblings, I would see the same thing. ( Pride, anxiety and lots of love.
It never ceases to amaze me how fast time goes by. As hard as we try to grab hold and slow it down and keep it for a little longer it slides right through our fingers. The great part is that you can relive it again through children and grand children. I am really happy that we had a large family and the process of growing has been on going and no end in sight at the moment. This is what life is made of.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
We arrived here in Fayetteville last Wednesday. Mark Hayden was born on Thursday morning and because of the crazy weather got to come home the following day. The rest of the time has been spent trying to entertain Luke and Charlotte and let Sarah get back into the swing of things. Cody started his two week leave yesterday so it is time for John and I to head back toward Alabama. We will head out tomorrow after church.
Last night was very hectic. At around 3:00 AM, I heard Sarah and went into the hall to see what was going on. It seemed Luke had had a accident during the night and she was changing his PJ's. I was stumbling around sort of in suddenly awakening stupor. She tells me to check on Charlotte. Charlotte was sitting in Sarah's bed where she had just thrown up. I starting stripping beds and throwing linens into the washer. Somewhere in all the hustle she and Cody had notice that Luke had what appeared to be a reaction to a shot he had taken two day before. I felt that it was a reaction to the band aide he had worn since the shot. I was voted down:) and he called him mom in Nebraska at 3:30 AM. I know this probably scared her to death. (Sorry Linda). Then a call to the 24 hour medical advice line where they told us to just watch the area. Charlotte was sick a few more time during the night, but was feeling better this morning. Mark Hayden slept through all the commotion. Hopefully everyone is back on track now.
I guess we have done all we can do and from now until the other Grandma comes to visit in a few days Sarah and Cody are on their own. They will probably be happy get into their own routine. It was nice to get to be here for the happy occasion. It is true about grandparents coming and spoiling the kids and then getting into the car and waving bye-bye.
Monday, February 1, 2010
We have been staying in close to home since we brought baby home from the hospital. Sarah was able to come home a day earlier because the weather. We were on the tail end of the snow storm that went through the area and mainly got freezing rain and ice. There was a couple of inches of snow on top so the kids were able to get out and play in it for a while. Things are starting to clear up some but refreezes at night. Maybe this will be the day it warms up and completely melts.
Schools are still closed so Luke gets to stay home for another day. This has given the kids a chance to get use to having a new baby in the house. Charlotte is starting to warm up to baby a little. When we first got home she seemed a little scared of him. Now she is asking to hold him and will give him a kiss.
Sarah is feeling much better and is getting around really well. John is the main child entertainer and I am the chief cook and bottle washer. As Charlotte says "Maw maw is a good cooker and Grand daddy is a good washer".
We will be taking Mark Hayden to the pediatrician later today. He has been eating like a little pig. We are pretty sure he has gained weight. He is in that eat sleep, eat sleep stage so we don't hear much from him yet. I'm sure that will change in a week or so.
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