Sun rise, sun set, swiftly goes the days.
I thought these were beautiful fall pictures

Do you ever get the feeling that you are fishing in a dry hole. Well that is how I have felt for the last week or so about posting something on my blog. I have come in here and sat down at the computer several times in the last few days but for the life of me no words would come out. That is a little unusual, because most of the time I can start off typing and suddenly I am rambling on about all kinds of nonsense. So I thought I would try one more time.
Mark had his 32 ND birthday on the 16Th of this month. Talking about time flying, it seems like just yesterday that he was riding up and down the hall on the vacuum cleaner, wearing Sondra's little floral house coat. He also use to dress up in tights, a cape and cowboy boots and pretend to be a super hero. He was always running through the house jumping off chairs, the couch and beds rescuing us from great danger. Thank goodness the Dukes of Hazard came along and rescued us from the super hero. He went through a stage where he was Bo and continued to be Bo until he was in probably the second or third grade. Luckily he figured out which one was Bo, because one day when we were at the drug store, Mark was about two or three, the cashier said to him, " Well you sure are a cute little boy. What is your name". He looked at her and said just as serious as could be, "Ennis". We had to point out the characters to him the next time he watched the show. Dear Lord, I didn't want anyone to think we had really named him "Ennis". We must have all known the theme song to that show as well as Waylon Jennings did.
Sarah and Cody and the kids will be moving east soon. We are waiting to get the final word on when they will leave for Ft. Bragg. I declare they are like a band of gypsies. We were trying to figure out how many times they have moved in the six years they have been married. First to Omaha, back to Alabama, back to Lincoln, back to Alabama, to Huntsville, to Killen, to North Platte and now to Ft Bragg. I think there were actually a couple of more moves but I just can't get my mind wrapped around it. I hope they can be settled for at least three years. If I had to even think about moving all our junk I would probably be over come by exhaustion just from contemplating it. Good thing they are young and adventuresome.
John Pearson's football games are over for the season. He has done really well and I am thankful he made it through without getting hurt. Hopefully he will take a growing spurt before they start practicing for next season. Emily has one more softball game. Most of the games have been rained out. Her game is supposed to be this Thursday and guess what? It is supposed to start raining again Thursday. Oh well.
I am still trying to avoid the flu. We have had lots of people out sick but so far I haven't taken it. Knock on wood. John is still hacking and coughing but has no fever anymore. Emily has been here at the house with John for the last two days. She has been running a low grade fever. Our manager has been off work for over a week, but came in today and had to leave because she was to sick to stay. ugh!! Hope she is not contagious. Oh well again!!!
The leaves are starting to turn slightly and by the time the week is over and a couple of light frost things will really start to burst out in a kaleidoscope of color. I hope this happens before Halloween. I still have happy memories of going out on Halloween night with friends, trick or treating, walking through the leaves that had fallen and the sound of the soft crunch the leaves would make under your feet. Sadly Halloween is almost a thing of the past here. I guess most people don't feel comfortable letting their kids get out and ramble around half the night. Most things have changed, for me too much. I wonder if the kids just got to wild or the parents became to cautious. We all need simpler times.